Glass’in Technology

The Glass’in®
on vidéo

Glass’in® technology consists of 3 stations easily installed in any glass manufacturing line :

  • Printing
  • Grafting
  • Inspection

With this system, products can be identified at each stage of production, no matter the rate of the process.

Le Glass’in ®, est une solution industrielle, protégé par deux brevets, dédié à la traçabilité des emballages verre. C’est un codage unitaire, invisible à l’œil et visible (identifiables) sous lumière bleu.

Le Glass’in®
en vidéo

La technologie Glass’in s’intègre simplement à n’importe quelle ligne industrielle d’emballage verre et se compose de 3 postes :

  • L’impression
  • Le greffage
  • Le contrôle

Grâce à elle, l’emballage peut être identifié à chaque étape de production, quelle que soit la cadence.

Le Glass’in ®, est une solution industrielle, protégé par deux brevets, dédié à la traçabilité des emballages verre. C’est un codage unitaire, invisible à l’œil et visible (identifiables) sous lumière bleu.
Specializing in the engineering of secure identification and tracking of goods, Athéor offers the cosmetic and agri-food industries the solution to reliable traceability and production monitoring of glass products. What’s more, this system also aids in the fight against counterfeiting and parallel markets.

The principle of 


Glass’in® is applied by inkjet and then melded with glass under LED light to create a graft only nanometers thick. Active fluorescent compounds, chosen according to the type of application, are thus fused within the material by a chemical bond. Once grafted by this bond, it becomes permanent and resistant to solvents. Glass’in® ink is applied at room temperature and harbors no risk for cracks or micro fissures.
An industrial grade LED optic decoder identifies the graft regardless of the color or content of the glass product, and does so on a high-powered production line at industrial speeds.

Glass’in® can provide much more information than a simple lot number. It offers labeling of various sorts: DataMatrix, QR code, alphanumeric, logos/branding.

Glass’in® is quick and simple to install into any bottling or packaging processing line.

Besides screen printing with heat, the ability to effectively adhere ink to glass is considered a prevalent problem.

The ingenuity of Glass’in® chemical adhesion sets Athéor apart from other processes in the industry. .

What are the advantages of the solution
Glass’in® ?

Security Traceability
Laser CO2
Laser femtoseconde
Screen printing with heat


Jet d’encre Mauvaise adhésion de l’encre
Laser CO2 Risque de microfissure, relecture difficile
Laser femtoseconde Investissement élevé, relecture difficile
RFiD, NFC Coût élevé, problème d’interférence avec les liquides, radio
Etiquette Mauvaise adhésion, gestion des stocks
Sérigraphie à chaud Pas de possibilité de sérialisation
Glass’in Bonne adhésion, marquage unique, température ambiante, relecture aisée
Safety Traceability Remark
Ink Jet Poor adhesion of inks
CO2 Laser Risk of microfissure, relecture difficile
Femtosecond laser
Expensive, Reading difficult
RFiD, NFC Expensive, problème d’interférence avec les liquides, radio
Label Bad bond, stock management
Identical markings, High temperature (600°c)


Good adhesion, unique marking, room temperature, perfect reading


Reading ease :

reading by par optic emission
Omni-directional reading
not interference : radio, bottle’s color, liquid’s color


Marking Stability :

Organic solvant
Acid solution (HCl 1% Volume 24H, TA)
Basic solution (NaOH 0,1 M 24H, TA)


Thanks to their innovative glass grafting technique, Athéor® is the expert in unit traceability and authentication

contact details


399 rue Georges Séguy

34080 Montpellier

Tél. : +334 48 79 07 59

Mail : info(@)atheor(.)com

Contact us

Athéor S.A.S

41 Rue Yves Montand
34080 Montpellier